
by 長倉書店

Travel & Local


An Izu tourism app created by "Nagakura Bookstore" that has continued for three generations at Shuzenji, Izu.nIntroducing deep Izu from famous local stores to the legendary land of the seven mysteries of Izu, based on books published by Nagakura Bookstore.

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伊豆は歴史・文学・自然の話題がたくさんあります。当店は伊豆の郷土史を研究する人のために必要な文献を復刻してきました。伊豆の三大地誌とよばれる「豆州志稿」「田方郡誌」「南豆風土誌」をはじめ90冊以上あります。その情報をできるかぎりわかりやすくたくさんの方に知っていただきたいためにこのアプリを制作しました。伊豆の奥深い魅力をこのアプリで探ってください。郷土を学ぶことは郷土を愛することにつながります。さらに、身近な郷土という教材をきっかけにさまざまが学問に興味を持つことにつながります。========@伊豆っぽの特徴========◆伊豆の三大地誌とよばれる「豆州志稿」「田方郡誌」「南豆風土誌」から厳選した情報を載せています。◆伊豆に生まれ伊豆で育ったスタッフが見つけた体験した食べた情報を載せています。◆位置情報アプリですので自分がいる場所の情報をすぐに見つけられます。◆検索機能で事典としても活用できます。========@お問い合わせ========[email protected]までお願いします。========@こんな使い方がおすすめ========文学・歴史・自然が好きなんだけど地域の情報が知りたい。興味のあるカテゴリーだけを表示することも可能です。地元の人が勧める飲食店・お土産を知りたい。地元ならではの新鮮な情報をいち早く知りたい。========@最後に========今後もすばらしいコンテンツを提供していくために、星5つをもらえると、開発メンバー一同、心より励みになります。今後とも伊豆っぽをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。========@無料版について========無料版では一部ご覧になれない観光スポットの詳細情報がございます。有料版では全ての詳細情報がご覧になれます。Izu has many topics of history, literature, and nature.Our shop has reprinted the necessary literature for those who study the local history of Izu.Including "Mameshu Shisho," "Tagata-gun Magazine," and "Minami-Mame Fudo Magazine," which are called the three major Izu magazines.There are more than 90 books.Make the information as easy to understand as possible to as many people as possibleI made this app for you to know.Please explore the deep charm of Izu with this app.Learning the hometown leads to loving the hometown. In addition, the teaching materials of familiar hometowns will lead to various interests in learning.========@ Izu-like features========◆ Carefully selected from "Mameshu Shisho," "Tagata-gun Magazine," and "Minami-Mame Fudo Magazine," which are called the three major Izu magazines.Information is posted.◆ The information that the staff who was born in Izu and grew up in Izu found and ate is posted.◆ Because it is a location information application, you can quickly find information on where you are.◆ You can also use it as an encyclopedia with the search function.========@Contact [email protected] you.========@Recommended usage========I like literature, history, and nature, but I want to know information about the area.It is also possible to display only the categories you are interested in.I want to know the restaurants and souvenirs recommended by the locals.I want to know the fresh information unique to the local area as soon as possible.========@Finally========In order to continue to provide great content in the futureIf you receive 5 stars, all the development members will be encouraged from the bottom of my heart.We look forward to your continued support of Izu.========@ About the free version========There is detailed information on sightseeing spots that cannot be seen in the free version.You can see all the detailed information in the paid version.android11に対応しました。スポットカテゴリーにジオスポットとデリバリーを追加しました。全てのスポット情報を無料でご覧いただけるようになりました。